"Everything is in a state of flux, in the sense that
everything is always flowing in some respects”.
Heraclitus, 500 BCE - The Universal Flux
Following this thought, “Deep into the blue”,
invites you to transform and be transformed
when experiencing this art installation.
invites you to transform and be transformed
when experiencing this art installation.

Deep Into the Blue - making of
The idea of organic transformation and evolution first appeared with ancient Greek thinkers, and has always been connected with our concept of continuation and flow.
A particular Greek philosopher of Ephesus, who was active around 500 BCE, proposed a distinctive theory which he expressed in oracular language. Heraclitus is best known for his doctrines that things are constantly changing (universal flux).
Heraclitus, I believe, says that all things pass and nothing stays, and comparing existing things to the flow of a river, he says: “No man ever steps in the same river twice”.
Following this thought, Deep into the blue, invites you to transform and be transformed when experiencing this sensory paper sculpture.
The tiny paper edges enable our tactile senses to explore our psychological connections through vision and colour.
Its wave constructed shape are coloured to convey the lights of sun on the surface and the intense blue into the deep water, which deeply connects with our inner-self. This allows us to feel immerse in deep water, whilst perceiving the connection of being constantly in the flow of changing.
Deep into the blue changes as you change, every time the interaction occurs.